
Membership with the Africa Society of Evangelical Theology (ASET) is open to those who affirm our statement of faith. We have three categories of membership that you can join: Student Member, Associate Member, and Full member.

Article V: Statement of Faith

Recognizing that the Evangelical community embraces a variety of theological perspectives, membership in the African Society of Evangelical Theology is open to those who can affirm the following evangelical beliefs:

  1. We believe in the one-eternal God, Creator and Lord of the world, who exists eternally as Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 
  2. We believe in the divine inspiration, truthfulness and authority of both Old and New Testament Scriptures in their entirety as the only written word of God, and the only infallible rule of faith and practice. 
  3. We believe that people are created in the image of God, but have fallen into sin and are therefore alienated from God, one another and creation. 
  4. We believe salvation is accomplished by God.  The Father, from before all ages, purposed to save for himself a people.  The Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, was incarnate by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.  Christ gave himself as the ransom for sinners as the one and only mediator between God and people.  The Spirit applies the salvation won by Christ by regenerating and sanctifying believers who respond to God’s grace.
  5. We believe that Christ sends his redeemed people into the world as the Father sent him, and that this calls for a similar deep and costly engagement with the world in evangelism, sacrificial service, and the transformation of our cultures and societies.

Kindly note that Membership in the Society will be automatically terminated upon failure to pay dues and/or to sign the Statement of Faith.


Student Member Renewal (US$ 12 / Ksh 1200)
Those who are in a theological college or graduate school or university.

Associate Member Renewal (US$ 16 / Ksh 1600)– Those who are in sympathy with the scholarly and theological purposes of the Society and who desire its publications and fellowship but do not have the professional and academic requirements for full membership

Full Member Renewal — Inside Africa (US$ 20 / Ksh 2000) – Those who have earned at least a Masters degree in a biblical or theological discipline or its equivalent. Full members have voting privileges

Full Member Renewal — Outside Africa ($US 30 / Ksh 3000) – Those who have earned at least a Masters degree in a biblical or theological discipline or its equivalent. Full members have voting privileges

New Member / Lapsed Member — Inside Africa (US$ 24 / Ksh 2400)
Those who were formerly members but who allowed their membership to lapse will be considered new members. New members inside Africa pay this new member rate; this be renewed later the following year at the appropriate renewal rate as stipulated in the above categories.

New Member / Lapsed Member — Outside Africa (US$ 30 / Ksh 3000)
Those who were formerly members but who allowed their membership to lapse will be considered new members. New members inside Africa pay this new member rate; this be renewed later the following year at the appropriate renewal rate as stipulated in the above categories.

Payment Options

OPTION 1: Direct Payment or Bank Transfer: Stanbic Bank Kenya Limited, Acct Name: Africa Society for Evangelical Theology, Acct Number: 0100005552887, Branch: The Hub (Karen), Swift Code: SBICKENXXXX (send a copy of confirmation via WhatsApp to our treasurer Catherine Chege +254 724 700 713, email to or bring bank deposit slip to AGM.) OR

OPTION 2: Send via MPESA to the ASET account at Stanbic Bank- Paybill number 600100, Account 0100005552887. Then text the confirmation to our treasurer Catherine Chege +254 724 700 713 or email to Please add 60 KES service charge for all MPESA transactions

OPTION 3: Send via SEND WAVE to our treasurer Catherine Chege +254 724 700 713. Download app here


We are always looking to connect.


Africa International University
BOX 24686-00502 Karen
Nairobi, Kenya